
Looking for something a little different? Have a look at our collection of Natural compendium wallpaper collection. A beautiful collection of versatile and very stylish shades of Natural compendium wallpaper collection to create a new lease of life

Holden Decor Compendium Wallpaper Collection ranges from organic to industrial and slightly worn aesthetic or grain patterns created for a life-like design in a contemporary interior. Natural colours and intricate detailing enhance the effect with realistic results.

Designed with subtle details for added realism, the wallpaper from this collection is indistinguishable from the original. The patterns use clever details of wood grains, dilapidated paints and weathered concrete giving a visual relief.

The wallpapers in the Holden Decor Compendium Wallpaper Collection are inspired by nature, bringing the outside to the inside creating a sense of hygge through captivating wood effect slats as well as intricate designs that add geometric patterns.

A striking selection of weathering and apparent wear and tear texture enhanced with natural or vivid colours creates a dynamic contrast to modern interior design. The realistic illustration brings a timeless element, depth and character to any space.

If you’re looking for fresh alternatives to decorating with minimal effort, this collection is perfect for you. They’re fabulous as a feature wall and most suited to any room to bring the splendour of the outside world to your home.

View the full Holden Decor Compendium Wallpaper Collection at Go Wallpaper UK to meet the fabulous wallpaper that'll give you relief.