Leaf - Washable

Leaf tempus wallpaper collection designs are very versatile and allow you to create a fabulous look in any room. A carefully chosen Collection of Leaf tempus wallpaper collection to browse, from subtle patterns to more modern and contemporary designs in beautiful shades of colours.
Washable tempus tempus wallpaper collection collection have a thin transparent coating covering the pattern printed on to the base paper. This coating gives them more resistant to stains and marks and allows them to be regularly wiped down with a damp cloth.

SK Filson’s passion for beautiful wallpaper is brought to life in the exquisite Tempus Wallpaper Collection. This delightful wallpaper collection embraces classic wallpaper designs and gives them a beautiful new look with modern styling twists.

The Tempus Wallpaper Collection draws inspiration from period British wallpaper designs and offers everything from floral trail designs to damask prints and trellis designs. A coordinating palette of neutral cream, beige and stone tones is punctuated with bursts of lilac, aqua and mulberry for a great look. Each of the elegant designs in this collection is textured for an inviting finish.

Choose to use the Tempus Wallpaper designs alone or mix and match different styles for a fashionable look to suit your needs. Browse the full collection now to find your favourite styles.