White - Tree - Spongable

Timeless, sophisticated and elegant. A truly stunning selection of white default category migrated. If you want to create a fantastic feel to a room, take a look at our default category migrated ideas.
Tree default category migrated designs are very versatile and allow you to create a fabulous look in any room. A carefully chosen Collection of Tree default category migrated to browse, from subtle patterns to more modern and contemporary designs in beautiful shades of colours.

If you see a single wavy line on your label then it means that your default category migrated is Spongeable. This is the lowest washability rating and means that, to clean the default category migrated, you have to use a damp but not soaking wet sponge to very gently wipe the surface of the paper.
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Colour Combination Whitex
Style Treex
Application/Finish Spongeablex